Knowledge is Power

Have you ever panic texted a friend because you thought your horse was colicking but you weren't quite sure? Or googled questions about "how to fix a mouthy horse" only to be overwhelmed by the wide array of conflicting approaches?

There is nothing worse as a horse person than finding yourself in a situation you can't get out of. Be it a behavioral issue, health concern, or training problem, the best thing you can do is be informed so that you can make educated decisions about your horse's health and your own.

But the problem is that this industry is full of highly experienced horse people who have a lifetime of trial and error under their belts, and you just don't have time for that.

For less than the cost of a bag of feed, you can arm yourself with the information you need to serve your horse and yourself well. Together, we'll find community, share knowledge, solve problems, and arm you to be the person your horse needs you to be.

Members Recieve:

  • Free admission to monthly workshops
  • Discounts on courses and coaching packages
  • Access to the Whole Horsemanship Community

Whole Horseman Plus Members receive above plus:

  • Early enrollment for events and other offerings
  • Additional Q&A sessions
  • Exclusive resources

Example Workshops

Understanding Stable Vices

Cribbing, weaving, and pawing are all stable vices that stem from the same place. How do we prevent these annoying and potentially dangerous habits in our horses? And how do we fix them once they have started?

Colic Prevention and Treatment

There might not be a worse word in the equestrian vocabulary. Colic is a loaded term that actually describes several different health concerns, most of which are very serious. Your best strategy when colic arises is quick action. But how do you act quickly? What can you do to prevent colic? And what do you do until your vet arrives?

Correcting the Crooked Horse

Why is your horse so stiff to the left but hollow to the right? Why do they always cave in on the turn one way, leaning like a bicycle, and bulge waaay out the other way?

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